The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush wakes you up on 97.5 WCOS every weekday morning. Drive to work while you listen to Jonathon Rush and Kelly Nash.Full Bio


A Lot Of People Trust Google Over Their Teachers

The poll of 2-thousand U.S. adults also reveals:

  • People feel like they only use about half (52%) of the information they were taught in school in their everyday lives.
  • More than half (55%) admit they trust Google more than what they learned in school, and the average American Googles five basic questions every day.
  • A third (32%) say they were taught “nothing at all” about personal finances in their formal education.
  • What they did learn was less practical information, like the definitions of equilateral (72%), scalene (69%) and isosceles (57%) triangles, instead of financial info they could use like the difference between a W-2 and a W-4 (46%).
  • More than half (52%) of Gen Z respondents could identify the mitochondria as the powerhouse of the cell, while only 26% could correctly define “taxable income” as “money, property or services you earn through work, investments and other means.”
  • Nearly two-thirds (63%) consider themselves smarter than the average middle schooler, but 16% of both baby boomers and Gen X don’t think they are.
  • That may be why 81% of all respondents would be willing to take an “adulting crash course” to learn skills that are helpful for being an adult, like managing their personal finances (39%), how to do their taxes (33%) and home buying and mortgages (31%).
  • Americans think those topics should be taught in school, as well as workplace etiquette (44%), how to clean (25%), do laundry (22%) and relationship guidance (22%).
man sitting the MacBook retina with site Google on screen

Photo: Prykhodov / iStock Editorial / Getty Images

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