Harold Terens, enlisted for World War II in the Summer of 1942 upon graduating high school. He served as a radio repair technician attached to a fighter squadron based in England. 6/6/44 known to many as D Day found Harold repairing radio equipment in Bournemouth England at a frantic pace as communication was key for the invasion of Normandy happening about 80 miles away.
While the allied forces won that battle which was a key part of winning the war, Harold said about 50% of his friends died that day. Harold has seen a lot of events over the past 80 years. One that he will experience soon is his wedding. 100 year old Harold will marry his 96 year old girlfriend on the Normandy beach 6/6/24. This will be his 2nd marriage. His first one to Thelma lasted 70 years from 1948- 2018. After she passed he assumed he'd be alone till he passes. 3 years later with no sign of passing on the way he allowed his friends to fix him up on a date with Jeanne Swerlin whom was also widowed and just 4 years younger.
When Harold started preparing a trip to Paris to visit Normandy for the 80th anniversary he thought this would be the perfect time to get married. So he dropped to a knee and popped the question. "She got hysterical" with delight, he said. "I thought I'd have to help him up, but he's so macho," she said.
Harold said it's almost like getting married in the states, because of the American sacrifice on D-Day, more U.S. flags fly in the area than French. "Normandy is the 51st state," he said.