Psychologist. Dr. Carmen Harra explains when you start decking the halls says a lot about you.
If you start decorating before November, Dr. Harra says if you’re one of the few people who’s had their lights in place since October, then you like to be the first to do things. “You enjoy planning and executing well ahead of schedule,” she explains. “You also correctly anticipate the holiday rush and wish to avoid it.” She says these skills are valuable in the real world because you’re well-organized, prepared and one step ahead of everyone else.
If you put your decorations up before December 1st. Dr. Harra says those in this group are still ahead of the game and that decorating in November shows they genuinely look forward to the holidays because they have plenty of time to add to or change the decorations before the big day. “There is a sense of optimism associated with those who decorate a month early,” she explains. “On the other hand, those who choose to enrich their dwelling in early December enjoy doing things the correct and proper way and are more realistic in nature.”
If you decorate during the last few weeks before Christmas …This could show an issue with procrastination or that they tend to put things off until the last minute, according to Harra. “This personality type is likely to be less optimistic than those who put up their decorations earlier,” she says. “They prefer to see Christmas come and go, and it may be because the season doesn’t hold the same tender meaning it used to when they were younger.”
If you don’t put up any decorations at all …Deciding not to decorate implies that you don’t think the season is worth the effort, Harra says. She notes that this is the most pessimistic group of all and that they “would like to avoid the holidays altogether” and “feel little enthusiasm” in participating in holiday festivities.
I wish the Dr. had answered what never taking your decorations down means.
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