Earlier this year, Mishawaka, Indiana, police officer Bruce Faltynski and his wife, Shelby, finalized the adoption of their eight-year-old daughter Kaia and then they got a call from child services. There was a tiny baby that needed a new home.
The one-day-old infant had been dropped off at a Safe Haven Baby Box in Lake County and immediately taken to the hospital to be examined. The law says that a mom who doesn't want their baby can drop it off in a safe haven box within 45 days of giving birth without fear of any charges.
Doctors determined the baby had had a stroke. They named the baby girl Myah.
Baby Myah’s health improved steadily and then last week the Faltynskis made her a permanent part of their family. And they want Myah’s birth mom to know how much they appreciate her. “We are so grateful,” Shelby says. “She made a really courageous decision. I want moms to know that they have an option other than abortion. Myah was truly an answer to our prayer and hopefully we were the answer to the prayer of her mommy as well.”