The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush wakes you up on 97.5 WCOS every weekday morning. Drive to work while you listen to Jonathon Rush and Kelly Nash.Full Bio


Man Forgets Password And It Costs Him 1.8 Million

TikToker @consipiracycubed has a problem. He has $1.8 million in Bitcoin and can’t get into his cryptocurrency wallet to get it because he doesn’t remember who his best friend was in 2005. He says he can’t get into his wallet because the login information is stored in his Hotmail account, and Hotmail won’t let him log in.

Someone apparently tried to log in to his Hotmail and the account has been locked as a result, so Hotmail is requiring him to send a text from his cellphone…that he had in 2010, but no longer has access to. He’s currently asking for “legal help” to contact him and says he’ll share the money if someone can get him in.

This isn't the first time a forgotten password has cost someone millions. The NY Times profiled several of them last year.

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