Midori Edwards reached out to local news station Denver7 after getting scammed by a mobile mechanic. The shady mechanic took money from the pregnant single mother of a toddler, said he was going to pick up some parts for her broken down car, and never returned.
What started out as a story exposing an unscrupulous mobile mechanic turned into a story of a community coming to the aid of a single mom in need. Dozens of Denver7 viewers donated from $10 to $300 to help repair Edwards’ car. Even better, Budget A1 Transmission wouldn’t take the money, performed the work for free, and insisted that Edwards use the donations to help her get back on her feet.
The mom was overwhelmed with the outpouring of support, but it got even better. After her car was repaired, Denver7 treated her to a shopping spree. She was able to get all the supplies and necessities she’d need for when her new baby arrives. While she recently said that she’d lost her faith in humanity, after all the kindness she’d been shown, she said she’d found it again. "It means a lot, and actually kind of opened my heart back up," she says.
Photo: Getty Images