The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush wakes you up on 97.5 WCOS every weekday morning. Drive to work while you listen to Jonathon Rush and Kelly Nash.Full Bio


I Can't Believe That 30% Of American's Want This

A new YouGov poll sought to discover how Americans felt about saving certain animals from extinction. It found that 74% of adults either strongly or somewhat support scientists’ attempt to keep some animals from going extinct.

11% are strongly or somewhat opposed.

But only 32% are in support of scientists trying to bring back an extinct animal, with 45% opposed to the idea.

More men than women are in support of scientists trying to bring back extinct specials (37% vs. 27%).

As for specific species, the giant tortoise is the extinct animal most are in favor of trying to bring back (50%), followed by:

Passenger pigeon (44%) Northern White rhinoceros (44%) Dodo Bird (39%)

But when it comes to dinosaurs, most people agree they need to remain extinct.

  • Only 12% of people are in favor of trying to bring back the triceratops.
  • 11% would like to see the return of the pterodactyl.
  • 10% would like to see the return of the T-Rex.
  • In fact, 70% of Americans agree they do not want dinosaurs brought back and released into their original habitats. 
  • As for humans, 48% of Americans actually think humans will go extinct at some point.

As for when Americans think this will happen…

  • Less than 100 years (7%)
  • Between 101 to 500 years (10%)
  • Between 501 to 1,000 (10%)
  • More than 1,000 years (21%)
  • It will never happen (21%)
Survey form, customer satisfaction feedback poll, resume for job application or for college. Man writing with laptop.  Home or car insurance contract. Paper sheet and pen.

Photo: Getty Images

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