A new YouGov poll sought to discover how Americans felt about saving certain animals from extinction. It found that 74% of adults either strongly or somewhat support scientists’ attempt to keep some animals from going extinct.
11% are strongly or somewhat opposed.
But only 32% are in support of scientists trying to bring back an extinct animal, with 45% opposed to the idea.
More men than women are in support of scientists trying to bring back extinct specials (37% vs. 27%).
As for specific species, the giant tortoise is the extinct animal most are in favor of trying to bring back (50%), followed by:
Passenger pigeon (44%) Northern White rhinoceros (44%) Dodo Bird (39%)
But when it comes to dinosaurs, most people agree they need to remain extinct.
- Only 12% of people are in favor of trying to bring back the triceratops.
- 11% would like to see the return of the pterodactyl.
- 10% would like to see the return of the T-Rex.
- In fact, 70% of Americans agree they do not want dinosaurs brought back and released into their original habitats.
- As for humans, 48% of Americans actually think humans will go extinct at some point.
As for when Americans think this will happen…
- Less than 100 years (7%)
- Between 101 to 500 years (10%)
- Between 501 to 1,000 (10%)
- More than 1,000 years (21%)
- It will never happen (21%)