The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush wakes you up on 97.5 WCOS every weekday morning. Drive to work while you listen to Jonathon Rush and Kelly Nash.Full Bio


Poll Shows People Still Believe In American Dream

Just in time to celebrate the 4th, a new survey shows that most American's prefer opportunity over guarantees.

83% of Americans believe that the American dream is working hard to achieve their goals.

79% say they would still rather live in America than anywhere else.

As for what people associate America with:

  • 81% say they think of freedom the most, followed by:
    • Opportunity (80%)
    • Hard work (76%)
    • Diversity (74%)
  • While things may not be perfect, Americans are hopeful about a lot of things, including:
    • Working towards a better future (38%)
    • Unity/acceptance (23%)
    • Improved government and politics (23%)
    • Unity (17%)
Stars and Stripes on back of pickup truck, USA

Smith Island, on Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, USAPhoto: Getty Images

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