A call came over the Metro Nashville Police radio for assistance at Kid Rock’s Big Ass Honky Tonk Rock ‘N Roll Steakhouse on Lower Broadway. Police have arrested hundreds of people through the years at Kid Rock's but this one will be remembered and shared from generation to generation. A man named Nicholas Newhart was being refused service as the staff had assessed he was inebriated, but Nick wanted one for the road and wouldn't take no for an answer.
Again, police often deal with drunk and irritable people but Nick went next level and decided to show his displeasure by taking his colostomy bag off and swinging it over his head pelting both cops and other patrons around the bar
That’s one time I would be thankful that we’re still required to wear masks.
Well the poo-flinging man was eventually arrested (thoughts and prayers for the poor officer who had to transport him to the clink) and at least one officer was temporarily out of service after having to run home to make a wardrobe change.
There’s no word yet on what charges the man’s facing but I would hate to be his cellmate once he gets to jail.
Looks like Nashville is finally getting back to normal.
Nick is charged with two counts of assault of an officer-offensive contact, as well as public intoxication and disorderly conduct. He is still in custody on a $4,500 bond.