The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush wakes you up on 97.5 WCOS every weekday morning. Drive to work while you listen to Jonathon Rush and Kelly Nash.Full Bio


Not Cleaning Tops Holiday Wish List For American's

A new survey finds:

  • 46% of Americans hate cleaning for the holidays so much they’d be willing to pay $5,000 to have their home magically cleaned.
  • The average person would pay $500 to have nothing to clean after a holiday gathering.
  • As for the thing they dread most about the holidays, washing all the dishes topped the list (47%), followed by: 
    • Cleaning the whole home (44%)
    • Prepping the food (36%)
    • Cleaning up the dinner table (34%)
    • Shopping for the food (31%)
    • Waiting for things to be ready (30%)
    • Too much noise (26%)
    • Waking up early (25%)
    • Catering to difficult family members (25%)
    • Being in “host” mode (17%)
    • Planning early meal in advance (17%)

But if you’re not going to pay someone to clean, who should be responsible once dinner ends?

  • Well, 40% say the people who didn’t prepare dinner should be doing the cleaning.
  • 30% think it’s the host’s responsibility.
  • Of course, while some folks say they’ll help with cleanup, chances are they won’t.
  • In fact, 59% of people have family members who each year promise to help with cleanup but don’t.
  • Those most likely to get out of cleaning duties include:
    • Children (38%)
    • Siblings (31%)
    • Spouse/partner (30%)
    • Father (23%)
    • Cousin (22%)
    • Mother (21%)
woman with piles of washing up

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