A new survey commissioned by Roku looks at how the way we stream and what we stream influences what we look for in a partner and our romantic relationships. The poll of 2-thousand U.S. adults finds “a series of rom-com-worthy icks, red flags and must-haves.”
- 52% of respondents say they’d bring up their current show during an awkward pause in conversation.
- 29% of singles have a two-streaming service minimum, meaning they won’t date anyone who doesn’t subscribe to at least two services.
- One in four of those in a relationship admit they’ve faked it - as in pretending to like a show their partner likes just to make them happy.
- No one likes a “stream-cheaters” - those who watch an episode of the show they’re watching as a couple without their S.O. - as 21% say they have had fights with their partner for “cheating” and watching an episode of their show alone.
- People would rather give up sweets for a week (26%), give up coffee for a month (19%), stub their toe (18%), do their taxes (16%) or go a week without their phone (10%) than have someone reveal a spoiler to their show.
Photo: Tetra Images / Tetra images / Getty Images