A woman shares on Reddit’s “Am I The A-Hole” forum that she’s married to a man with a 16-year-old daughter and a 14-year old son, and while they share a lot of their resources, she has an inheritance from her father that she considers hers. The woman writes that the husband knows about it, and knows she has specific plans for that money, but recently it became an issue.
He told her that his older daughter wants to go to an out-of-state college, which is quite pricey. While he and his ex have been putting money away for the daughter’s education the cost of her chosen school is a bit out of reach, and he asked if she would be willing to contribute to the college fund.
She says she has only been married to her husband for a year and in her stepchildren’s lives for three years. She declined to help, telling her hubby the child should go to a state school or take out loans to make up the difference. She notes, “He’s a bit irate and says I have a responsibility to her, and we’re a family,” adding, “I don’t think I’m being selfish, and I hate to see her disappointed, but he’s known since the beginning that I already have plans for the money.”
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