The United States is obsessed with the 7 part Nexflix Docuseries "Tiger King". So much so that an 8th episode was created and released Sunday in which it was simply Joel McHale asking some of the cast members how their lives have changed since it was released 25 days ago on March 20th.
Sunday's The State newspaper featured an article entitled "Thousands Pledge To Break Joe Exotic Out Of Fort Worth Prison In Facebook Event". Here's the actual Facebook page if you care to read up more on that and the 17,000 or so morons who have pledged to attempt this on May 14th.
Yet nowhere, not the local paper, or TV stations who always seem to be clamoring for ways to tie Columbia into any national story, have I seen how one of the stars of Tiger King is a graduate of AC Flora High School.
You read that right. Lauren Lowe who rose to fame in the last few weeks because she and her husband Jeff, first worked with Joe Exotic to save the Tiger King zoo, then worked with Federal authorities to take him down, and then took possession of the zoo is from here!
I was taking a shower last night when my wife yelled in "did you know Jeff Lowe's wife is from Columbia"? I thought I had misheard it, so I asked her to repeat that. When she did I then thought she was mistaken and the girl must be from Columbia MO or some other Columbia. But no she said she knew someone who went to high school with her. WHAT?!? Yup she is a 2009 graduate of AC Flora and her parents still live here just off Two Notch Rd. Her dad was Forest Acres Neighborhood Association President according to this 2014 WIS TV story.
Here's the State's story about Lauren & Jeff's engagement.