Where does Columbia rank on list of best cities to get a job

Wallet Hub just came out with their list of the Best Cities to Find Jobs, looking at 180 U.S. cities, judging them on 31 key indicators, including:

  • Job Market, which takes into account job opportunities, employment growth, monthly average starting salary and more.
  • Socio-Economic rank, which looks at median annual income, work and commute times, transit options and more.

So, where should you move if you want an easier time finding a new job?

  • The answer is Scottsdale, Arizona, which scored an overall 65.50 out of 100 and comes in second for Job Market and fourth for Socio-Economic rank.
  • South Burlington, Vermont, which ranks second overall, tops the list for Job Market.

Columbia SC came in 119th overall with a ranking of 121st for Job Market and 95th for Socio Economics. Charleston came in 16th, Atlanta 26th, Charlotte 104th and Augusta 159th.

Top Ten Best Cities To Find Jobs

  • Scottsdale, AZ
  • South Burlington, VT
  • San Francisco, CA
  • Austin, TX
  • Fremont, CA
  • Chandler, AZ
  • Boston, MA
  • Tempe, AZ
  • Portland, ME
  • Boise, ID 

As for the worst city to find a job, that “honor” goes to Detroit, Michigan which earned an overall score of 38.40 and ranks dead last for Socio-Economic rank and close to the bottom for Job Market.

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