12 19 24 Last chance to win Keith Urban Tx !
12 18 24 Two more chances to win Keith Urban tickets this week. Ge the answer to tomorrows question here.
12 17 24 We talk with Patrick Davis about his Toys for Tots Concert on the 20th (Friday) at the Senate
12 17 24 Win your Keith Urban tickets with this answer!
12 16 24 Keith Urban tickets? Get the answer to the question here!
12 13 24 We talk with Coach Shane Beamer
12 12 24 Win Keith Urban Tickets ... get the question and the answer here and win tomorrow at 6:30 am
12 11 24 Win another pair of Keith Urban tickets and passes to Holiday Lights on the River. Get the question and the answer here.
12 10 24 Keith Urban tx and Holiday Lights on the River passes
12 09 24 Win Keith Urban tickets!!