More than 90% of American's plan to celebrate Halloween this year.
According to Lawn Love’s poll of 1,033 U.S. adults:
- The age group most into Halloween is those between 25 and 34, with 96.95% of them gearing up to celebrate, more than the younger crowd of 18- to 24-year-olds at 93.18%.
- But the younger folks are much more likely to host Halloween parties, as 73.28% of those 25 to 34 plan to host one, compared to just 40.7% of the age 45 to 54 group.
- When it comes to decorating, 52.37% of all respondents say they always decorate their home for Halloween, but that number jumps to 68.7% for those ages 25 to 34.
- Front yards are the most popular place for decor (59.92%), followed by the porch or entryway (52.08%), inside the house (44.72%), windows (42.59%) and doors (40.46%).
- Younger adults are also more enthusiastic about decorating, with 79.55% of those ages 18 to 24 and 77.10% of those ages 25 to 34 getting their front yards festive.
- The favorite outdoor decoration overall is the classic jack-o’-lantern (50.73%), with lights (45.79%) and spider webs (42.59%) close behind. Inflatables (32.43%), still sculptures and displays (30.30%) and gravestones (25.46%) are also popular yard decorations.
- By mid-October, the majority of people (61.38%) have their decorations up for Halloween, but 7.94% wait until a few days before and 1.36% wait until Halloween day to decorate.
- They all come down pretty quickly, too, as 37.66% take their decorations down the day after Halloween and 40.95% do it in early November.
- So, how much is everyone spending on all these decorations? Just over a quarter (26.43%) spend up to $50, while 18.68% spend $51 to $100 and 12.88% spend between $101 and $200 on their displays.
- The top Halloween vibes decorators are going for this year include family-friendly and fun (31.56%), scary and spooky (27.69%), and a mix of everything (17.33%).
Photo: vzphotos / iStock / Getty Images