A crime yesterday at a DC bus stop led to a really nice story according to Fox 5.
There was a 66-year-old woman stabbed by a man she had never met while waiting for a bus. Police found the woman suffering from multiple stab wounds to her upper body. She was transported to a nearby hospital and is expected to survive.
The reason they were able to save her was a person was walking nearby and saw the random attack called 911. The person has asked to remain anonymous but police say this person not only called 911 but then followed the armed suspect who was running away. Because they stayed on the phone while running after them, the police were able to capture the psycho 5 blocks away.
Police say the chances of catching the suspect would have been about zero without the person following them. Doctors also say the victims chances of surviving even a few more minutes were quite low due to blood loss. The hero says "we all need to do more restore civility to our society. Crime and lawlessness are on the rise particularly in cities but if we do our part we can reverse the trend and make them safe spaces for all of us".
Photo: georgeclerk / iStock / Getty Images