The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush wakes you up on 97.5 WCOS every weekday morning. Drive to work while you listen to Jonathon Rush and Kelly Nash.Full Bio


The Most Regretted College Majors

A survey of college graduates by the Federal Reserve as part of their Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2023 report. It reveals the majors grads regret most.

  • The Fed’s report involves feedback from over 11-thousand adults and finds that overall, 35% of college grads would pick a different major, if they had a second chance.
  • But regretting your major is different from regretting college, as more than 80% of those with bachelor’s degrees say their education helped prepare them for a good job.
  • While 70% of Americans enroll in higher education after high school, only 37% go on to earn a bachelor’s degree or more.

The Most-Regretted College Majors

  1. Social and behavioral sciences (regretted by 44% of grads)
  2. Humanities and arts (43%)
  3. Life sciences (also 43%)
  4. Law (41%)
  5. Education (38%)

The Least-Regretted College Majors

  1. Engineering (regretted by 27% of grads)
  2. Computer and information sciences (31%)
  3. Health (32%)
  4. Vocational/technical training (34%)
  5. Business/management (34%)
Anxious mixed race woman studying

Photo: Blend Images - Mike Kemp / Tetra images / Getty Images

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