The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush wakes you up on 97.5 WCOS every weekday morning. Drive to work while you listen to Jonathon Rush and Kelly Nash.Full Bio


Most People Lie About Their Salary

Self Financial asked 1,181 employed U.S. adults of different ages and income brackets how they talk about pay with their coworkers and if they think salaries should be talked about more openly. They found:

  • More than three-quarters of Americans surveyed (82.6%) believe that salaries for all employees should be transparent in the workplace.
  • Baby boomers were the age group least supportive of discussing their earnings with colleagues (71.1%), while Gen Z was most in favor of it (85.7%).
  • The highest-paid respondents were most willing to share their salary with coworkers (81.1%), while those bringing home $25-thousand or less were the least in favor of transparency (75.8%).
  • Less than half (48.2%) of employees think their workplace has fully transparent salary policies.
  • Nearly three-quarters (62.7%) of those polled have resigned or threatened to quit their job after finding out they were paid less than a coworker.
  • While a lot of people support salary transparency in theory, 61% of respondents admit they’ve lied to their colleagues about how much they earn.
  • Younger workers between 18 and 26 are most likely to inflate their salary(67.4%).
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Photo: ajr_images / iStock / Getty Images

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