The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush wakes you up on 97.5 WCOS every weekday morning. Drive to work while you listen to Jonathon Rush and Kelly Nash.Full Bio


Fire Chief On Vacation Saves A Man From A Burning Car

We've all joked that we're going to need a vacation from my vacation as it sometimes becomes overwhelming trying to cram all the things you want to do on your week off. But for New York Fire Deputy Chief George Healy he took work with him. George was going to drive his family from Long Island to Disney World in Orlando. You know you're not going to travel that far without a traffic jam. As he sat there not moving on the highway George thought he saw flames in the night sky. He jumped out of his vehicle and like he's always done, he ran towards the danger. As his wife and 4 kids watched he ran down the highway and arrived at a crash.

George says “I went over to that car, the passenger door was caved in and no longer openable, and the fire was spreading up the windshield. I pushed the airbag away and I realized in there was a man unconscious in the back seat.” As he was trying to break the window, a police officer arrived and joined the effort, The cop used his stick to break the window and George climbed in to untangle the trapped man from the seat belt. He was able to get the man out drag him a safe distance from the fire and then perform first aid to revive the man.

"When I went back to my car, a couple of other drivers approached me and said ‘man, you ran into that, what’s wrong with you?’ and I’m like, ‘I’m a New York City firefighter; that’s what New York City firefighters do,'”

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