The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush wakes you up on 97.5 WCOS every weekday morning. Drive to work while you listen to Jonathon Rush and Kelly Nash.Full Bio


City Currently Discounting Traffic Tix For School Supplies

The city of Olathe, Kansas recently passed an initiative. According to KSHB-TV that for the month of July if you have received a traffic ticket you can make it $50 less expensive if you donate at least $15 of school supplies to the Olathe School District.

Olathe Municipal Judge Katie McElhinney says 'In this day and age, everyone's feeling the pinch of inflation, and everything just seems to cost more," she said. "And we know that there's kids out there in the Olathe School District who might be showing up without all needed supplies. So, for us to be able to fill that gap and provide that to those kids means the world."

Yellow backpack with school supplies

Photo: miflippo / iStock / Getty Images

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