The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush wakes you up on 97.5 WCOS every weekday morning. Drive to work while you listen to Jonathon Rush and Kelly Nash.Full Bio


Parents Favorite Funny Sayings

"I’m not sleeping, I’m just resting my eyes” and “We’ve got food at home” were 2 of my parents favorite sayings. Buzz Feed asked for some more of those funny classics.

  • Every time we went on vacation and us kids started complaining, Dad would yell, 'We are making MEMORIES!'"
  • "English is my mom's second language, so instead of saying, 'It's my way or the highway,' my mom says, 'My way is the highway.'"
  • "'Let me show you a trick I learned in the Army...' My dad was never in the Army!"
  • "When leaving somewhere, she always said, 'We're off like a herd of turtles'"
  • "At the grocery store and looking at prices: 'What? Do they put gold in it?'"
  • "My mom: 'Are you drinking enough water?' Got a headache? Drink more water. Upset stomach? Drink water. Bad grades? You need more water. Bone protruding from your knee? Drink some water; you'll be fine."
  • "When my dad gets lost driving: 'The world's round, we'll get there eventually.'"
  • "Listen to me now and believe me later."
  • "'Go now or forever rest in pee' before any long car trip."
  • "My mom's is: 'Let's blow this popsicle stand' when wanting to leave somewhere."
  • "Whenever my sister or I would complain about doing chores, she said: 'What do you think you are, just a souvenir of a good time?' It took me YEARS to figure that one out."
  • "Me: *does something stupid. *My mom: 'Common sense, not common in everyone.'"
  • "When she gets startled she'll say, 'Heavens to Murgatroyd!' which we've come to understand was stolen from a Yogi Bear character."
  • "Anytime we asked what was for dinner, her response was, 'Sh*t with sugar on top.'"
  • "'Know what I mean, Jellybean?'
  • "'If it was a snake it would've bit you!' Anytime I was looking for something in plain sight."
  • "We've got food at home"
  • “'I have to love you. I don’t have to like you.''
  • "My mom said, 'Are your ears painted on!?' any time I wasn't listening."
Mother and dauther Holding

Photo: pixelfit / E+ / Getty Images

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