Recently, three-year-old Khadijah Chaudhry, who was born with a rare eye condition, has gone blind.The condition affects only about one in 40-thousand babies, causing vision loss by the age of four.
But Khadijah just underwent an innovative new surgery where healthy copies of a gene were injected into her eyes.
Khadijah's parents had been told there was nothing modern medicine could do for their daughter, She would slowly go blind and it would never come back,
They prayed for a miracle and then a lady on the tube struck up a conversation with Khadijah's mom Hafiza. When Hafiza mentioned her daughter the stranger said to check out the Evelina London Children’s Hospital.
Hafiza did that and discovered that the hospital is the only place in the world that performs this revolutionary gene therapy. Both of Khadijah's eyes were injected with the treatment in separate procedures, each lasting about an hour. Her father, Muhammad, says they’re already seeing dramatic improvements in her vision.
Although the technique is still in its early stages and not yet licensed for general use, the lead surgeon, Neruban Kumaran, expressed satisfaction with the outcome of Khadijah's surgeries. He noted promising signs of improvement in her vision, offering hope for other children with similar conditions.
Hafizah says she's eternaally grateful to the doctors but also the angel on the tube who came over to chat. She never did get the woman's name but will always remember her as a messenger from God.
Photo: Niko_Cingaryuk / iStock / Getty Images