In Sacramento, California, there are a lot of San Francisco 49er fans. So when they lost the Super Bowl to the Kansas City Chiefs there were no doubt some harsh words for Chief fans in the Bay area.
But unlike previous years there were also a group of fans who found themselves in the crosshairs of fans of the losing team.
10-year-old Sadie Cliff wore a Taylor Swift T-shirt to school the Monday after the big game. And because her boyfriend is Kansas City’s Travis Kelce. one of her classmates who is a 49ers fan took that as an insult. There was an argument about the shirt and the boy ended it by slapping Sadie in the face.
Jiu-jitsu instructor Jake Barber heard about the incident from a mutual family friend and reached out to Sadie's family to offer training through the Gracie Bullyproof program. Jake says “Our bullyproof program is not about fighting violence with violence. You could look at it more as a fighting fire with water where we neutralize the threat".
Sadies mother Karyssa says "we found out we can't control how the school will handle these types of incidents but now Sadie is in control of how she will respond".