A new survey finds that 83% of parents keep mementos of their children's first few years.. According to the poll of 2-thousand moms and dads of kids ages 0 to 18, three in four (78%) parents feel like their child is growing up too fast and they hold onto things in an effort to hold onto their child’s early years.
The survey also reveals:
- The age parents miss most is when their child was two years old.
- To be able to spend just one more day with their kid at that age, parents would be willing to give up social media (46%), time off at work (37%), and dining out (36%).
- Since they can’t go back in time, 84% of parents have kept something sentimental related to an important milestone in their child’s life.
- The average parent keeps nine items from their kid’s baby years, while one in seven hold onto at least 20 things.
- Top keepsakes include baby clothes (51%), a copy of their child’s footprint or handprint (50%), their pregnancy test or ultrasound images (48%), a lock of their baby’s hair (35%) or a tooth they lost (28%).
- Parents keep these items as mementos (75%) as well as to pass down to their kids when they’re older (37%).
- If they could relive some important milestones of their child’s lives, parents would go back to their baby’s first step (44%), first laugh or smile (43%) or first time sitting up (11%).
- Parents say they’re so sentimental about items from their child’s younger years because “The socks are so tiny and cute,” “Because they change so much and so fast,” “It reminds me of a happy time,” and they “Really miss them being a child.”
Photo: Maglara / iStock / Getty Images