Houston Astros relief pitcher Ryan Pressly saw an 11-year-old boy wearing his Astros jersey while playing catch with his Mom in the front yard. Blake Foley, a passionate Astros fan, was shocked when the vehicle stopped and out popped the baseball star. Ryan said "Nice jersey want to have a catch?".
Ryan has driven by this house before on his way to the highway and seen Blake playing catch with his mom several times and it always made him smile
Blake tells ABC 13 his initial thought was. "No way is he wanting to play catch with me. I'm like, 'holy cow, this is crazy.'" throwing with the MLB All-Star. He spent about 5 minutes playing catch with the boy, even letting him take a swing at a couple of pitches with a wiffle ball.
His mother, Hope says "The whole city should know how amazing Ryan Pressly is and what he did to spend time with a huge Astros fan,"
While Blake still loves playing catch with his mom, he admitted that if given the chance, he'd choose to play with an MLB player every time.