On February 21st, Janet Kelley’s apartment caught fire after a neighbor's child was playing with a lighter. The apartment quickly filled up with smoke and fire spread throughout the building. Kelley’s fiance’s brother was at home watching her two youngest children and he rushed to try and get everybody out of the house, but before he could get to their one-year-old baby, the house completely filled with black smoke. That's when Keeley's dog Ol Blue sprang into action. Blue was sitting with the 3 year old and when he watched the people struggling to get into the house he jumped through the window and made ran to the baby.
The baby was in a playpen inside the house and when firefighters arrived, they could hear the sound of Kelley’s dog, Blue, barking and it led them right to the baby. Blue, a three-year-old pitbull-lab mix was adopted as a rescue two years ago and Kelley says he has become very protective of the whole family.
Although the family lost everything in the fire, they’re grateful that no one was injured. And they’re also thankful that Blue was dutifully there watching over their baby the whole time.