The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush wakes you up on 97.5 WCOS every weekday morning. Drive to work while you listen to Jonathon Rush and Kelly Nash.Full Bio


Would You Tell Your Friend If You Caught Their Spouse On A Date

 A new survey asked 15-hundred U.S. adults about their thoughts on relationships and cheating and finds a fifth of them admit to cheating on their partners. But when it comes to calling out others’ infidelities, not everyone’s on board.

The poll reveals:

  • Gen Xers are most likely to tell their friend or family member if they knew their partner was cheating at 73%, followed by millennials at 67%.
  • Members of Gen Z are the least likely to spill the beans, with 64% of them reporting they’d tell a loved one about a cheating partner.
  • As for how people discover that their partner is cheating, the most common ways include going through their messages and finding receipts for things like hotels or dinner dates.
  • While not everyone is on board about telling someone else about their unfaithful significant other, if the tables were turned, many would like to be told. Nearly two-thirds of Gen Z say they’d want to be told if a friend or family member knew their partner was cheating, as did 78% of millennials and 80% of Gen Xers.
  • When it comes to defining what cheating is, 55% of all respondents say a relationship doesn’t need to be physical to be cheating. Gen Z is the most likely to report that a non-physical relationship is excusable with 43%, but only 30% of Gen X feels the same way.
Obsessed ex girlfriend spying on a couple dating

Photo: Getty Images

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