On Sunday mornings, Cristiano Piquet likes to take to the skies with his paramotor before going to church. A paramotor is one of those setups where the pilot has a big motorized propeller on their back they can use to fly around with a parachute.
Last Sunday, Piquet and a friend were paramotoring around Southwest Miami-Dade County and he was silently praying. Thanking God for such a beautiful land to live in and asking that God use him to help another. He then spotted a woman desperately clinging to her car that was almost fully submerged in a canal. “I flew closer to the car, and I saw someone inside the car, like, asking for help.”
Piquet recorded the whole ordeal and posted the video to his Instagram page. He landed as close to the woman as he could and he and his friend helped her get out of the water. “So we threw her a rope, and she was free, she was alive,” he says. “Everything happened so fast, and after we got her to safety, we called 911.” He says he was happy to have missed church to help save a life, saying, “For some reason I was better suited being there at the right place and the right time.”
Photo: Getty Images