Josh Nalley is a restaurant manager who lives in Kentucky and has posted a TikTok video every day for 321 days pretending to be dead in various locations. His account name is living dead josh. His only goal was to land a job as dead person in a movie or show. He mentions that in most posts. Amazingly the account has become very popular with each video getting tens and sometimes hundreds of thousands of views!
People with CSI Vegas saw his videos and contacted him to play a dead body in one of their episodes for season two.
Josh told a newspaper that he had no acting experience but had learned how to better play a corpse thanks to plenty of practice. He’s already shot his star turn for the show and says he blew one take by leaving his phone on, and a telemarketer called him.
But playing dead is a life lesson he says. The dream of getting on a movie or show from Kentucky didn't seem possible but he kept at it. Day after day for months he got little to no reaction but he kept his eye on the prize and now he has made it!