The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush wakes you up on 97.5 WCOS every weekday morning. Drive to work while you listen to Jonathon Rush and Kelly Nash.Full Bio


What We Fight With Our Neighbors About

60% of people have had some sort of dispute with a neighbor. 16% say these disputes happen “many times.”

The biggest causes of neighbor disputes include:

  • Households being too noisy after hours. (40%)
  • Being impolite (33%)
  • Boundary disputes (28%)
  • Parking problems (27%)
  • Noisy behavior (25%)
  • Other arguments revolve around pets, outside space, and bad behavior in communal areas.
  • And some disputes get so bad that 15% of people say they’ve actually called the cops on their neighbors.
  • But some people are luckier than others when it comes to neighbors.
  • 37% of people say they’ve actually never had any sort of conflict with the people living around them.
Hispanic referee between arguing neighbors

Photo: Getty Images

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