A Colorado sixth-grader receives hundreds of letters of encouragement after his classmates refuse to sign his yearbook. Brody Ridder, transferred into The Academy of Charter Schools in Westminster, Colorado, midway through the school year. When they got their yearbook last month he only was able to get 3 classmates to sign it and none wrote anything more than their signature. He then wrote a note to himself. “Hope you make some more friends,” and when his mom saw the note, she took to social media to share her disappointment.
Well, since then Brody has been getting a lot of messages of support from people around town and now from around the world, including actor Paul Rudd. Paul sent an autographed Ant-Man helmet. He wrote: "To my good friend Brody for when he takes on the world! Paul Rudd, Ant-Man"
Brody has received more than 600 letters from people of all ages from across the globe offering words of encouragement and advice. Many of the letters come from people who want to share their own stories of feeling left out or being bullied.
Brody’s mom, Cassandra Ridder, says the letters have been so touching. "I cry with the majority of them I read because these people are just … they relate," she says. "They've been through it, too." When Brody’s having a rough day, his mom will pull out the letters to cheer him up. And if all else fails, he can always call up his buddy, Ant-Man.