The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush

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Single Mom Brought To Tears After Receiving Massive Tip

Chelsea Lantrip was tending bar at Chances Dance Hall in Cleburne, Texas, on a regular Tuesday night when a pair of women she didn’t recognize came into the bar. One of the women ordered a round for the whole bar and then tipped Chelsea $1-thousand on the $180 tab.

The kind gesture brought Chelsea to tears. “I started crying and [and then she says] ‘No, that’s not good enough,’ and raised it to $2-thousand,” Bell recalls. But by the time the bartender picked up the check, the anonymous stranger had increased the tip to $4-thousand. Chelsea refused to believe the tip was real “until it hit the bank,” she says.

The money couldn’t have come at a better time for the hardworking single mother. Her son is heading off to college in the fall, and although he’s got a scholarship, he’ll need help with his tuition. But before then, she plans to use some of the money to pay some bills and take her family out for a nice dinner.

Chelsea said “She is a gift from God. I believe in guardian angels, I believe in people coming into your life at the right time that you need them. And she was definitely one of them.”

Bartender pouring wine at bar

Photo: Getty Images

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