Last week, Savannah Police Department officers were on patrol when they received a call to help get a scared little kitten out of a storm drain. The whole rescue effort was captured on one officer’s body cam and the department later posted about the incident on social media.
Officers Olivia Buttner and Gary Van Bramer responded to the call and found two boys, Tavarius and Omari, trying to use a rake to coax the kitten out of the drain. After a brief back-and-forth about the best way to rescue the kitten, Van Bramer got a tool from his cruiser and he and Buttner pried a manhole cover open and reached down in the drain for it. The kitty ran out of the storm drain straight underneath Van Bramer’s cruiser, which was still running.
A second rescue to get the kitten out from under the cruiser was successful when Omari was able to get ahold of it. Everyone involved agreed that the kitten should be named Stormy and Tavarius said his parents liked cats, so he decided to adopt it.
"We're not animal control, but we're happy to help when anyone — human or animal — needs our help," SPD posted.