The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush wakes you up on 97.5 WCOS every weekday morning. Drive to work while you listen to Jonathon Rush and Kelly Nash.Full Bio


Dad Throws Himself In Front Of Bull To Save Son

A Texas dad is being hailed as a hero after a viral video shows him jumping on top of his son to protect him from a raging bull. At a rodeo in Belton, Texas, two weeks ago, 18-year-old rookie bull rider Cody Hooks sets out from the gate on top of a bucking bull, but falls off a couple seconds into his ride. While the rodeo clowns distract the bull, Cody’s father, Landis Hooks, jumps the fence to check on his son.

As Landis kneels down to see if Cody is okay, the bull circles back around toward the men. Landis sees the bull headed their way and lays on top of his son just as the bull charges in and plows his horns into Landis’ side. The bull then continues bucking past them, narrowly missing trampling Landis and Cody.

The next day, Cody posts a video of the moment on his Instagram page. “Not one to post falling off, but big thanks to my dad @hooks.landis and the bullfighters last night in Belton, Tx could’ve been a hella lot worse. #blessed,” he comments on the post. Other commenters to the post heap praise on Cody’s dad. The consensus seems to be that Landis Hooks is a hero, a legendary dad and a general bada**!

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