The National Chicken Council estimates that a whopping 1.42-billion chicken wings will be consumed Super Bowl weekend, which is about the same as last year. 1.42 billion is more than enough to easily circle the circumference of the Earth three times. About 100 million people watch the game so every one of them will eat 14 wings. Yet lots of folks don't eat wings...
At World Record holder Molly Schuyler’s pace of eating 501 wings in 30 minutes, it would take her 162 years to eat 1.42 million wings.And fans of the Bengels and the Rams seem to be particular wings fans, with wing sales in Cincinnati showing a 27.6% growth during the NFL playoffs while in Los Angeles there was a 37.3% increase compared to the same period last year. And when it comes to the Super Bowl, pretty much the whole nation agrees that wings are their favorite food, except Maine, which picks Lobster as their favorite Super Bowl food.
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