December is the month for giving up according to a new survey from Herbalife Nutrition.
64% of Americans say they stop watching what they eat this month and just eat or drink whatever they want to celebrate the holidays.
- That number’s an increase of 9% over 2020, and 23% over 2019.
- Of those who are giving up their healthy habits for the holidays, 64% expect to gain as much as eight pounds over the holidays.
- 39% say that in previous years they overindulged so much they felt "unwell and full to the point of bursting and even wore stretchy clothes to accommodate overeating.”
- Many will make New Year’s resolutions to stay healthy, with 64% of those polled saying they plan to adopt a "new year, new me" attitude.
- But many doubt they will actually do it, with 32% of those who make such New Year’s resolutions not expecting to stick with them.
- As for those who do plan to get healthy in the New Year, the top way they plan to do so is by exercising (27%), followed by
- Eating healthier (25%)
- Focusing on self-care (22%)
- Lose weight (20%)
- Start a new diet/program (17%)
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