Two teens used their Boy Scout training to save a woman from flood waters. Columbia, Missouri got hit with massive flooding on Friday. KOMU reports that boy scouts Joseph Diener and Dominic Viet were riding their bikes when they heard a woman cry for help. They rode down to the park near Hinkson Creek and found her clinging to a basketball hoop that was almost under water.
There were people nearby who were watching and said they had called 911. "They were just standing there! We said she's not going to make it till whenever the rescue people get here! We can swim, we’re trained for this. Let's go.” The woman had cramped legs, so they had her grab onto their shoulders as they swam her to safety. Strong currents tried to pull them under, but Joseph and Dominic got her to dry land.
The woman had water in her lungs and was taken to the hospital where she’s recovering. Both teens are Life Scouts, which is the last level before Eagle Scout, ,and their scout master is planning on giving them lifesaving badges for their heroics.