You never know when the opportunity to do something amazing will happen. Sam Murzea is the owner of MP Heating & Air Conditioning in Portland, Oregon, and he got a call to come look at an AC unit from Lea Leen. Lea explained that her 13 year old daughter Viktoria is terminally ill and has been sent home to die. Hospice care is trying to keep her as comfortable as possible. She says the machines her daughter needs produce a lot of heat!
“I received that phone call from Lea and I already had a full schedule but after receiving more details of the call my schedule became wide open for it to get taken care of first and foremost. The problem was the unit was more than 25 years old so there was no way to get it to cool much more than it already was.. A new unit costs about $12,000, and I could see from the look on her face that they had probably spent all of their money on Viktoria's care, So I said I'd go find one that was on super sale and be back the next day to install it and we could work out a long term payment plan. After we got it up and running I told her I'd have to crunch some more numbers and mail her the invoice."
KPTV reports that the invoice came a few days later for $0. Sam said "I knew I wasn't going to charge them anything no matter what they needed. Even my employees said they wanted to work for free on this job. I think something that’s bigger than all of us put us there and there’s a reason we got that phone call and were able to be in the position that we were to help them.”
Photo: Getty Images