The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush wakes you up on 97.5 WCOS every weekday morning. Drive to work while you listen to Jonathon Rush and Kelly Nash.Full Bio


Neighbors Install American Flag For Man With Parkinson's Disease

WREG Memphis reports that Bill Yardley was looking to borrow an electric screwdriver. Bill had to retire from the police department because he has Parkinson’s disease. He can longer drive and doing a lot of things he used to do has become impossible including installing an American flag because he is unable to screw the mount into the front porch column.

He posted on the Nextdoor app asking if anyone had an electric screwdriver he could borrow for an hour to install the flag that his wife had bought him for his birthday. He posted that just before leaving for his doctor appointment and he put the kit on the porch hoping to get a positive answer when he left the appointment. "I was hoping I could get my wife to drive me to someone's house get the screwdriver, come home and set it up and then bring it back to them about an hour or so later. Before Parkinson's I would have been done in 10 minutes but I knew that even with the electric screwdriver this was going to take a while. I didn't see any response and when I returned I found that my flag was already mounted on the pole for me. I cannot tell you what that meant to me. It’s nice to know that in this day and time that there’s still the Tennessee tradition of volunteering. I get to look at my flag and think of my son whose serving his country in the Air Force.

He has no idea which neighbor helped him but when he was asked by the reporter if he had a message for that individual he said “I would just say, ‘God bless you,’ you helped out a person in need”.

An American flag proudly displayed.

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