The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush

The Morning Rush wakes you up on 97.5 WCOS every weekday morning. Drive to work while you listen to Jonathon Rush and Kelly Nash.Full Bio


This is the answer to our 6:30 Wednesday trivia challenge

We are giving away a four pack of tickets to the Outlaw's Championship Rodeo in Camden Saturday night September 28th. To win you simply have to be the 9th caller through to 803-978-9267 when we ask this trivia question and know the answer that I'm about to provide. We're going to ask the question around 6:30 AM Tuesday 9/18/19.

According to a study published in Parenting Science a baby can't taste this till they are 4-5 months old. What is it?

Salt. The delay may be related to the development of kidneys, which start to process sodium at about that age.

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