Elderly Man Wants To Throw A Party And Becomes A Star

An 85-year-old Bucks County PA resident named Doug has gone viral after hand-delivering hand written invitations to his upcoming "Celebration of Winter" party on February 15th.

He is shown on the ring doorbell camera of Michelle Hernandez. She opens the door and he says “Hi I’m Doug, across the street here. I live in that house over there. This is an invitation to a party I’m having Feb. 15. I didn’t want to leave it in the mailbox.” The invitation promises food, drinks, and festivities from 4 p.m. "until the cops arrive"

The reaction has been overwhelming says Doug's daughter. Businesses were responding with offers to donate items for the party and then folks started asking if they could come. If you want to send a card or a gift they're now accepting those through a family friends business at 205 N. Haddon Avenue, Haddonfield, NJ 08033.

Doug, who lives alone, is getting a kick out of his newfound Internet fame after Michelle and his daughter showed him how many people are talking about him. "Should I get a Hollywood agent now"?

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