How Expensive Is It To Have A Boyfriend Or Girlfriend

CouponPi polled 1,000 Americans about how much they’re spending on their relationships and found:

  • The average American spends $6,138 a year on their relationship.
  • This includes $559 on presents for their partner throughout the year, as well as an average of $5,579 on dates and activities.
  • The single biggest expense is dining out, which 93.8% do regularly, most commonly twice a month.
  • That adds up to $135 a month, or $1,624 per person per year, more than a quarter (26.5%) of all costs.
  • Events, like concerts, shows and sporting events are the second-biggest expense. People go to one a month, on average, at a cost of $131, or $1,569 per year.
  • The third biggest cost in dating is casual outings, like going to a museum or grabbing coffee, which average $100 a month, or $12-hundred a year.
  • And let’s not forget about all the little things we pay for throughout the year and weekend getaways, which average $1,183.
  • The average couple has spent over $19-thousand ($19,306) on their relationship by the time they get married.
  • But spending on the relationship doesn’t end after you tie the knot, in fact, married couples spend 46.7% more on their relationship than unmarried couples.
  • After dropping that much on dating during the year, it’s not surprising that 53.7% admit they feel financially stressed about paying for all this in their relationship.
Couple dating and flirting looking each other

Photo: AntonioGuillem / iStock / Getty Images

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