SC Groom Creates An Epic Proposal

People Magazine has a story about a guy named Philip Cho who wanted to propose to his girlfriend, Heather Nguyen. The story says Philip was born and raised in SC. They never say the town and the only one I found was in North Augusta. The reason his proposal story made national news was he took her to NYC to do it. But much more than that!

Philip saved up $1650 to pay to rent Rockefeller Center Ice Skating rink for just the 2 of them for 5 minutes. They had it from 8-8:05 PM last Wednesday. Starting around 7:50 the staff started clearing the skaters off. They were told they could hang around and get back on the ice at 8:05. I can imagine there were a lot of grumbles about how some big wig was taking it over. The 32 year old Cho says he saved for 2 months to get the fee.

The only thing he told Heather about their romantic trip was bring some warm clothes. She said as they made their way towards the rink there were hundreds of people in the crowd that they were trying to push through to get there. She thought it was kind of rude to be cutting through them since they all had skates on and were obviously waiting. Philip assured her it'll be alright. They got to the rink and and were given some skates. As they made their way onto the ice, she saw the last few people being removed and said "shouldn't we get off as well"? Philip smiled said I think we're fine. "The over-thinker in me is thinking we’re about to get in trouble or kicked off". Philip hands his camera to a worker and asks him to snap some photos. Heather says I kept thinking this is weird but these pics are going to be amazing. I mean who gets the rink to themselves? Then they started playing my favorite song"! Taylor Swifts "Enchanted".

"Phil pulls me in and I already see tears pouring down his face, body slightly shaking (from the cold? I’m not sure) And it was enchanting to meet you…' plays so loudly as I look around at the thousands of people surrounding the rink. Phil points over and the biggest signs appear spelling, 'WILL YOU MARRY ME?' I’m so far in the middle, I don’t even realize until after, it’s my South Carolina family and friends and NYC loved ones holding each of the letters!"

Phil says it took over a year to put this proposal together trying to find a day when all of these people (27 friends and family) could get into NYC and a time I could rent the rink. The payoff was mind blowing for Heather. "I scream from my diaphragm a huge 'YESSS!!' My whole heart feels like it’s bursting and the room feels like it’s raining and exploding all at the same time. The crowd echoes in applause and the peak of Taylor Swift’s 'Enchanted' hits. The timing was unreal. I feel our lips crash into each other and I flick my leg up like a Disney princess. I was blown away. It still feels like something I dreamed because of how surprised I was."

All I can say is I'm glad I'm already married because the future proposal bar has been raised about the height of the Empire State Building!

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