Would you want to know the age you're going to die? According to Will Forte he knows, and he finds it freeing. Will was on a podcast and said he was on a Ouija board that told him he would die when he is 73 and it will be a stabbing death. He believes it completely.
“I would ask questions of this Ouija board that nobody else would know the answers to, and it would get the answers correct. And so I was pretty blown away. I was thinking, like, is there a way that my hands are moving it because I know the answer? … I was trying not to push it all, but it was pretty nuts — like my grandma’s middle name, that kind of stuff.”
Does it bother him? "Not really. Everyone else is worried about cancer or high cholesterol or whatever, but not me. So I've got 19 years left. The only thing I do think about is when I’m 72, when I’m nearing the end, do I, like, start looking into Kevlar, full-body Kevlar suits?”
Photo: Emma McIntyre / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images