SC Students Are Our Good News Story Of The Day

Every year, students from Wren High School in Anderson County, South Carolina, pick a cause to support during spirit week. This year, they chose Teresa Lewis, a beloved Wren High special education teacher who is suffering from kidney disease and is desperately in need of a kidney donation.

On Tuesday of this week, it was announced that not only had the students raised $18-thousand for her, but a kidney donor has stepped forward for her, too. Lewis, who’s been teaching at Wren High for over 20 years, expressed pride in the students. “Their enthusiasm about a cause, not just my cause but any cause is amazing," she says, "They’re just incredible students.”

Although she’s grateful to have a donor lined up, Lewis was quick to point out that donors are still needed for the thousands of people waiting for organ donations. “There are so many other people that need kidneys," she says, "We all have two kidneys, so we have one to share.” Her children attended Wren High and she’s hopeful that after her surgery, she’ll be able to continue teaching long enough to see her young grandchildren walking the school’s hallways.

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