Brian Schwartz, was living a great life as the VP of digital advertising for a major agency in New York. He is 39, married to a woman he loves and in May became a dad for the first time. Then in June he was fired with a large group of coworkers as his company downsized over the COVID quarantine.
Sitting around his house in Wayne NJ feeling sorry for himself as he sent out resumes with little hope of landing a job an idea hit him.
He posted his idea on his LinkedIn page. I WANT TO MOW YOUR LAWN Recently laid off. Trying something new! Offering FREE Lawn Mowing for Local Elderly Neighbors 60+ & Underprivileged Communities (North NJ) Visit & share my site IWantToMowYourLawn.com
After a few weeks he added to his ad Also looking to help disabled veterans!
Now the local media outlets were talking about him and he is overwhelmed with people asking for help. He doesn't accept tips but will accept money for gas. His site is getting a lot of traffic these days so he's added to it that he's looking for a full time job or consulting offers.
It's obvious this guy knows how to get attention so I believe some ad company will scoop him up soon.
Brian says the bills are piling up and there's a lot of stress that comes with that but it all washes away when he's helping people. So he feels like this is helping himself as much if not more than the people's whose lawns he's cutting for free.
BTW if you're under 65 you can hire him to cut your grass ;)