- 19% of people admit they’ve lied about working out.
- As for why, 37% admit they fibbed to convince someone else they were busy.
- 35% lied to impress someone
- 31% were too embarrassed by what they were actually doing.
Now even if people do make it to the gym, that doesn’t necessarily mean they actually workout.
- 37% of people say they’ve bailed out of their workout early because they forgot something.
- Another 30% say they’ve skipped an entire workout because they forgot an “essential” item.
- Those items include:
- Sneakers (83%)
- Workout bottoms (70%)
- Socks (69%)
- Hydration (67%)
- Workout top (64%)
- Deodorant (62%)
- Weights (60%)
- Headphones (56%)
- Gym bag (42%)
- Music device (38%)
And then there are the people who just skip their workout altogether, and for a variety of reasons. The top excuses for not working out include:
- Too tired (58%)
- Other things to do (51%)
- Didn’t want to go (30%)
- Made up an excuse (21%)
- Spent too much time at work (21%)
- Wanted to go home (19%)