City Suggests Eating Your Christmas Tree As A Great Way To Dispose Of It

Ghent Belgium posted on their official website for the city a recommendation on how to dispose of Christmas trees.

"Scandinavians eat their Christmas trees. They have been doing it for a long time: picking the needles from the branches, briefly immersing them in boiling water, pouring them through a sieve and drying them on a clean cloth," Ghent's website reads. "Once the needles are dry, you can make delicious spruce needle butter with them for bread or toast."

The city's post began to go viral which led to Belgium's food safety agency issuing a warning.

"Christmas trees are not meant to end up in the food chain. What's more, there is no easy way for consumers to tell if Christmas trees have been treated with flame retardant -- and not knowing that could have serious, even fatal consequences."


Photo: DAVID GRAY / AFP / Getty Images

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