Family Surprised At Reaction To Halloween Decorations

Bill Pyles, of Oxford, Ohio, was worried when he saw a letter addressed to “The Family Bone,” assuming it was from someone complaining about the skeletons he had put in his front yard to celebrate Halloween. He tries to update them every day in some sort of scene. 1 day they're hanging out in an inflatable pool. The next day they're having a tea party. Another they're playing poker. The next they're playing beer pong. Another they're bowling.

The author of the letter wasn't complaining. Tammy Weihe, of Oxford, Ohio, drove to radiation treatment, and would always smile as she passed by the skeletons. Tammy told him how much the display has meant to her and that the next day was her last radiation appointment. Bill and his family quickly designed a special skeleton display featuring congratulation messages for Tammy and cheerleading costumes.

She decided to stop in and thank them personally.

Bill, his wife and their children were so thrilled to meet Tammy. "She absolutely made our year! We do this to hopefully give people a smile on their way to work or on their way home. You never know how bad someone's day is going".

Tammy says she will keep driving by their home even on days when she doesn't have to go in that direction, because she loves the positivity and smiles they provide.

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